Well last week was my first full week home for the summer, except it hasn't seemed like summer at all! Other than the weather being dreary and not warm, I have been SWAMPED with my Master's classes. Joe has been such a great help with Beau at night and coming home at lunch everyday to watch the kids so I can work on homework too. I keep stressing myself out about how much work I have to do and all of the research/papers I have, but whenever I look at all the kids playing, all my stress diminishes!
People keep asking me if it's too much watching three kids under the age of three, by myself all week. Definitely not! Beau and Banx do fight quite often and get on each other's nerves, but they are best of friends and truly do play well together. And Bond, well he is just a cuddle bug who loves to eat and sleep right now, so I'm not complaining at all on my end! :) So to answer everyone who has asked me, yes I do still want four kids. I know having toys everywhere and a messy house can drive some people crazy, but I don't mind it during the day when the kids are all here. They are making memories :)
Beau and Banx needed baths everyday last week from getting all muddy outside |
I truly love looking out of my living room and seeing the view of Beau and Banx playing on the fort. They love it! :) |
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