Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Mini-Me

Today was a pretty crazy day.  My students had a test that I thought was going to be challenging, so I was already in a bit of "stress" mode throughout the day.  Then at noon, I realized I had a meeting right after school!  I had no back-up plan for Beau, and Joe is very busy at work and at our new house right now, so he couldn't help.  So I did what any mommy would do....I picked up my son from daycare, and he became my little tag-along at my meeting.  Good thing my meeting was with amazing teachers who didn't mind and our curriculum director who absolutely LOVES Beau!  He was talking to everyone throughout my meeting and giving his opinion on grading papers and assessments.  He already is speaking his mind...oh, no! :)

Bumbo Lover!

We started Beau in his bumbo seat this weekend to see if he could sit up by himself---he can!  He is so strong, he needs this independence haha :).  He absolutely loves to sit in it and tell us stories from what he did at Miss Mary's that day.  Priceless.

I Believe I'll Just Rest Today

One of our favorite Grandma Peggy sayings is, "I believe I'll just rest today".  This is Beau's attitude here...if you can't tell :)  He is quite the the passive baby!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Growing Baby!

Last night "Uncle Alex" came over to watch football and hang out with his favorite baby.  As you can see, Beau is growing like a weed! :)  All of his pants are capris on him, and his belly pops out over his pants...I think we have an issue here :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Beau's First Laugh!

While Joe and I were enjoying our typical Saturday morning routine...bringing Beau into bed with us and cuddling for a couple more hours...we had one of our "firsts" with Beau---his first laugh!  It was so precious.  I quickly ran to get the video camera, and we were able to get him to laugh again!  Enjoy the video...he laughs at a couple of different points. :)

Four Generations of Pierson Men

Not only is it rare to have four generations these days, but we have four generations of ALL Piersons and ALL men/baby boy :).  We are so blessed for these wonderful men in Beau's life!

Pierson Family Christmas

Beau and Lydia

Grandma Connie loved playing with Beau and seeing him smile :)

Big Smile!

New Years Eve was spent with Joe's family this year.  The Pierson Christmas, for all of Scott's family, was at Scott and Michelle's house this year, so we didn't have to travel too far :).  It was wonderful to have everyone meet Beau for the first time and to meet the other new babies in the family.  Beau definitely had a lot of attention this weekend, and I don't think he minded one bit :)

One Loved Baby

"Aunt Dena" is so good about coming over regularly to see her favorite little boy :)

Flirting for "Aunt Ashie and Aunt Dena"

Even "Aunt Ashley" came back to visit Beau!

My good friends, Dena and Ashley, came over one afternoon during Christmas Break to do some holiday baking.  Even though I ended up doing most of the baking, it turned into a great afternoon/evening with the girls and Beau and was so fun to catch up! :)