Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's the Little Things

Lately I have been overly stressed and anxious with everything going on in our lives: baby due any day (and not having a very easy pregnancy this time around), Beau going through the "terrible twos and trying three's", trying to work on our house to finish the basement, and working on finishing up my Master's.  But then today as I was carrying Beau into Mary's, he said/did the sweetest thing that put life back into perspective for me.....

It was raining out this morning so I told Beau we had to hurry into Mary's because I didn't want to bother getting an umbrella out.  As I was carrying Beau up the sidewalk, I said "We have to hurry Beau-Beau!  Mamma's getting wet!"  Beau then put his hands on top of my head and said, "Here mommy, I'll keep the rain from getting your hair wet." 

I know this sounds so silly, but it was just the sweetest thing ever and he was so genuine with his words and gesture that he really wanted to protect me from the rain.  After I brought him into Mary's and kissed him goodbye, I cried in my car on the way to work.  With everything I have been stressing about lately, none of it seemed to matter anymore after I was thinking about Beau, how perfect he is and how excited I am for this next baby.  Sometimes I can get caught up with the materialistic things in life or not focus on what really matters.  Here is the truth: life is not a golden-paved road for us all.  Joe and I fight at times and disagree, sometimes Beau drives us crazy where we want to pull our hair out, sometimes we disagree with our family members, sometimes we hurt feelings.  That's life.  We are humans in the Pierson household!  We are far from perfect.  We work hard everyday at trying to be the best family we can be.  Some days we are awesome at it, and then we have days where we, quite frankly, "suck at it".  When it comes down to what really matters, Joe and I have been blessed with one amazing son, and another baby any day now!  I know I often say that I thank God for what I have been blessed with in life, but it is so true.  I am so grateful for everything I have, mainly for my family.  I have to keep reminding myself it does not matter what car we drive, what our house address is, what name brand of clothes we wear, how much money we have in savings, or what fancy vacations we can go on.  What matters is our child(ren) and that we grow as a family and grow in our faith.  This is so much easier said than done, especially for me.  I stress constantly and am always thinking of ways that I can provide more for my family or how I can make life better for Beau.  I need to remind myself to come back to this post tomorrow, next month, in a year or ten years so I can remember how I felt this morning and what really matters. 

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