Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Overwhelmed Without Her

When people tell you it takes a village to raise your child(red), it's so true. I am quickly realizing how blessed I was to have my mom be a stay at home mom. Not only for me when I was growing up, but to help with my kids too. She was always my go to person for helping if one of my kids were sick and she would keep them for the day, or if I needed help running kids to doctor appointments, etc. Life is quickly getting crazier now and harder without that support, and I am completely getting overwhelmed. Not that I don't love it, having a huge family has always been my dream and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just so different when you were used to having that constant support and then when it's gone, you realized how fortunate you really were to have that extra helping hand. Now that Baine and Piper are having ear issues, that's double the regular appointments. I guess it's what you get with a handful of kiddos :) Needless to say, I wish I could go back and make sure that my mom knew how grateful and appreciative I was of her and all her help. She was always there to take me to my appointments and get me into doctors I needed, and was there helping again with my kids. She contributed more to my life than any dollar amount could ever match up to. And If I could go back in time, I'd let her know that over and over again.

Be grateful. Be appreciative. Don't let the little things go by without a thank you and smile. Be sure to always let those close to you know how much they mean to you and how grateful you are for them. I am not good at this myself, and am still learning to be better. I just wish I would have learned this hard lesson before last June...

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