Monday, March 27, 2017

Proud Brother, Beau

It is no secret that Beau loves being a big brother. He is incredibly patient and good to Baine, and is always helping take care of him. Now that he has a baby sister, he never wants to leave her side. When it's time to go to bed, he begs to have her sleep with him. Or if we are laying on the couch watch TV, he always wants to lay by Piper and hold her hand. If I am in the other room doing something and Piper starts crying, Beau is the first to go soothe her, put her paci in and turn on her music. He is definitely protective of her already and it is so precious.

Beau I do not give you enough credit already as my grown up 5 year old son. You are always going to be my special one since you are our first born. You help me be a better mom everyday and teach me what true patience is. You are such a good boy. Your passion for learning and school makes me so proud of you. You are so eager for soccer to start next week and your love for sports is quickly taking off. Now that March Madness is going on, you LOVE to watch the games and always pick your favorite team (usually based on the colors). You act too mature for your age most of the time and I'm not sure I like how fast you are growing up! You have Kindergarten Round Up next week and I haven't decided if I will let you go or not ;). I am so proud of you Beau and what a good little boy you are--most of the time. 

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