Monday, August 2, 2021

Our Last Couple of Days With Koby

 On Thursday, July 22, 2021 my Koby James crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I am honesty still in shock. On Tuesday when I took all of the kids to the lake, I noticed him acting not himself. Normally he is so excited on car rides and anxious, but he slept the whole way down to the lake. Then on Wednesday morning, he would eat, but was still drinking and peeing so I didn't think too much of it. By Wednesday afternoon, I was freaking out because he still wasn't eating, wasn't active, barely walking, and clearly something was wrong. Joe came down after work to help with the kids and I rushed Koby to the Vet Clinic in Centerville to see what was going on. The vet said it was nothing major, maybe just a GI and gave us an antibiotic and sent us on our way. Later than night, Koby kept vomiting and then collapsed. Joe had said well the vet said he was ok so lets just wait, and I was also hoping he was just exhausted and tired. In the middle of the night, Joe and I woke up to a horrible smell in the camper. Koby had lost all control of his bowels and was just laying it and not moving. I went hysterical---very similar to when my mom died and I got the call in the middle of the night. This was honestly a little PTSD for me. I cleaned up Koby's mess because Joe could never handle the smell or cleaning it up. I loaded Koby in my car and flew to Osky at 4 in the morning. Our vet, Nate, met me right away and thought Koby had passed away in the car. I dropped to me knees crying and Koby lifted his head as soon as Nate tried to lift him. I had instant hope and carried Koby myself to the cart to go inside. Nate started hooking him up to an IV and then doing a rectal exam. He found a small bouncy ball and a rock and thought maybe this was the culprit. Koby's spirits started to perk up and was at least lifting his head now asI was petting him and talking to him. Nate sent me home, and at noon, Nate called me with the worst information. Koby's kidneys were both shutting down and he didn't have any kind of time to do tests to see what it was. By 5:00, Joe and I took the kids out to see Koby one last time and to say their goodbyes. Koby was suffering. And had been suffering for a couple of days. Was in immense pain, and there was nothing to do to save him. Joe and I came back alone later that night after we dropped the kids off at grandparents, and we put Koby to sleep. It was awful. And I feel terrible. He was only 1. Still a puppy. He brought the kids and I so much joy. Beau and I were obsessed with that dog. He was our first family dog. And he meant so much to me. Joe refused to get me a dog for years, and I begged and begged for Koby. He finally caved last year after we made the decision together that we should get him. And now he's gone. I just can't believe it. I miss you Koby James, thank you for bringing me and the kids so much joy and love.

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