Sunday, December 3, 2017

Piper Collins: 9 Months

Piper Collins, you are 9 months old already! I feel like you should only be 6 months old for so many reasons, but the main reason is because you should still be my little baby and I missed out on so much with you this summer. You are getting to be so funny right now and your personality is shining through. Daddy and I have started calling you "Pipes" because oh my goodness do you have a set of pipes on you! When you are trying to get our attention, you can certainly get loud! You are very demanding that someone pays attention to you :) You love to smile at anyone who will look at you. If you are in a funk, and then look at someone who is smiling, you quickly get out of it.

At 9 months you are:
-weighing 20 pounds
-29 inches long ( I think, I already forgot :(
-wearing size 12 months clothes and size 4 shoes
-wearing size 3 diaper
-you are no longer sleeping through the nights because you get so HUNGRY and need a bottle in the middle of the night, but you are so good at going right back to sleep so thank you! :)
-you really wanted nothing to do with baby food and now you are on full feed table food :)
-you love pasta, pizza, bananas, cereal, steak, and cottage cheese
-your eyes are dark brown and I am thrilled to be honest :)
-your hair is SLOWLY coming in and it is blonde
-starting to walk around things and even standing for a split second on your own now
-you can say "dada, mama, and bye" and wave :)
-learning to sign for "more"
-you have two older brothers who adore you dearly

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