Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Disney Vacation: Days 9-12 Orange Beach, AL

Orange Beach, AL
Okay, now for where our vacation really began :). Joe had decided when he was planning our trip to stop in Orange Beach for a couple of days on our way back to Iowa. Well, we were so exhausted and frustrated from Disney that he extended our stay another day so were there from Friday early morning until Monday (although we left Sunday night late to drive through the night back home). Orange Beach/Gulf Shores is one of the most picturesque places I have ever been to. I would go back in a heart beat. I would actually love to go back next summer. It was the perfect way to end our vacation. We played at the beach and in the ocean every day, swam in the pool, listened to live music, watched movies out by the pool, watched fireworks, and had the most amazing fresh fish I have EVER had at GT's on the Bay. Again, Piper was the easiest one on the whole trip. She slept most of the time or just laid in her stroller watching people when she was awake. She slept through the night in every hotel we stayed at, never was fussy, and never gave us any extra work. How is it possible she is this good?! I'm sure her toddler and teenage years will be payback :)

**We drove through the night and made it back home in under 16 hours. It was so ideal to do it this way. I am 100% happy we drove and didn't fly for these reasons: 1. it was cheaper to drive (even with staying in Nashville and Orange Beach!) 2. It made for more family memories 3. I could pack as many shoes as I wanted without worrying for my luggage to be overweight ;) Overall, for our first actual family vacation, it was a good one. Baine pressed every button I had, Joe snored way too much, Beau asked for way too many toys, but even with all of that, I wouldn't trade that vacation for anything in the world. :)

View from our hotel room

Florabama Bar

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