Sunday, March 20, 2016

Baine at 17 Months

I truly cannot believe Baine is 17 months already. I still think of him as my little baby.  I can assure you, little and baby are definitely not accurate descriptors of him these days. He is quickly packing on the pounds and sprouting up! He is now in the 90th percentile for height. So instead of being short and chubby, he is tall and chubby :)  
Baine you are our child that keeps us on our toes. You are constantly getting into things, like the toilet, running toilet paper all over the house, playing in the trash can, dumping water/drinks everywhere, etc. While you go a million miles a minute, you are still such a good "baby". You still nap 3 hours everyday, and need at least 12 hours of sleep at night. You now know when you are tired, and will tell us when it's time to go to bed. When we ask if you if you need to go nigh-nigh, you will start waving your hand, grab your blankie and bottle, and go walk into your room. While you don't talk a lot yet, you are definitely smart and are so good at communicating in other ways with us. You know how to get your own snacks out of the pantry. If I ask you if you pooped or peed, you will grab your diaper and show me you need a new diaper.  You are better at drinking out of a sippy, however you still prefer your bottle! If I could describe you in one word, it would be MONKEY.  You are always climbing and jumping around. You can climb the bunk bed like its no big deal. You have mastered climbing up/down stairs, and have even mastered climbing out of your crib. Your eyes are as dark as night, and they definitely melt my heart. Your ornery smile always tells me when you are up to something and your naughty laugh gives you away!  You have recently rediscovered your mamaroo swing, and insist on drinking your morning bottle in it while it swings, barely, kind of, not really at all since you are over the weight limit :).  You are such a big boy, and I need time to slow down a little. 
-wears size 4/5 diapers
-24 month clothes
-favorite food: scooby snacks and mac n cheese
-favorite thing to do: TAKE A BATH

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