Wednesday, June 26, 2013

20 Months Old!

I cannot believe Beau is 20 months already.  Sometimes he acts 20 months going on 16!  I've heard that when a baby turns 2, that is their independent stage.  Well in Beau's case, this is absolutely true.  He has to feed himself, tries to put his shoes on himself, likes to drink out of normal glasses rather than his sippy cup, and so many more things.  Here are some new things Beau is doing or saying lately....
*Sleeps on avg. 13 hours at night and 3-4 hours for a nap after lunch
*His vocabulary has grown immensely.  Some newer words are: gotta potty, book, bulk (milk), Butters, Banx, Pat, ride, side (outside), boat, kee-kee (kitty), cheese, hat, shoe, baby, bath, up, down, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting.  One thing I am definitely proud of that he does, are his manners.  He does a fabulous job with always saying pease (please) and tank you (thank you).
*He runs everywhere, no more walking!
*Prefers to always be outside rather than inside
*Likes to dip his chips in dip, but just lick the dip off then double dip again!
*LOVES boating and swimming
*If he sees a tractor, gator, or lawnmower, you better expect to give him a ride or he will have a major meltdown.
*Beau loves going "bye-bye".  He will grab his shoes and stand by the door and ask me to go bye-bye.  He is definitely my child since I love being on the go and doing activities.
*Likes to help daddy in the garden outside
*He has to wear hats!  Like what bows are to Banx (a necessity), that is what hats are to Beau.  His favorite hat lately is his fedora.
*Dancing.  When Joe or I play music through the stereo in the house, Beau will stop whatever it is he's doing, then start swaying his hips and dancing.  When the song stops, he'll say "ut- oh!"
*Favorite word: no!  I am excited for this to stop!
*And the most exciting thing, we are in the midst of potty-training!  He is doing so well already.  He will tell me when he needs to go potty, or go get me a new diaper to tell me he really has to go.  I am not rushing him to be fully potty-trained because I do not want to frustrate him.  But so far, he is doing great!

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