Baine is now 10 months old. We almost have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. Please slow down time! Baine you are STILL the happiest baby I have ever seen. You always wake up happy, even with your crazy long, brown hair all over your face :). Baine you love to chase your big brother around the house and you get so mad when you cannot keep up with him or do the things he is doing. Don't worry peanut, you will be at his age before we know it!
At 10 months:
-Slimming down from crawling everywhere
-Can stand on your own for a few seconds
-Trying to walk with push toys
-You have 8 teethe
-Loves to grab onto faces and kiss your nose/mouth
-Still sleeping 13 hours at night (such a good baby!)
-HATES a sippy cup...he just does not want to give up that bottle :)
-Favorite food: blueberries
-Favorite toy: anything his big brother is playing with
-Loves to snuggle with his blue anchor blanket
-Weighs 23 pounds
-Wears size 12 month clothes
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