Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer With the Kiddos

This summer has been quite stressful to say the very least.  With being a full-time student taking Master's classes, watching three kids under the age of three, and lets not forget being six months pregnant, I had my hands full.  Honestly, it wasn't watching the kids that made it so stressful, it was those darn classes!  But thankfully I am DONE for the summer, or for what is left of summer, before I start back up at the beginning of September. 

Whenever I was getting overwhelmed this summer or thought I couldn't do it anymore, I would pick up my perfect nephew, Bond, and just cuddle with him on my bed.  Sounds so silly, but the comfort of a baby and seeing a true example of God's miracle in my arms just put everything into perspective for me.  Beau and Banx fought most days this summer, but lets be honest, it's because they are more like brother/sister than cousins!  And Bond is truly an amazing baby.  These kids put a smile on my face every single day.  And I never want to forget how much I love having all of them under my roof.  My house may get messy during the day, I may not make it out of my pajamas during the day, and I may have spit up in my hair at times, but the memories I made with these three this summer are irreplaceable.  I want Beau to look back on this post someday and realize that even though he was ornery at times, and they may have fought, him and Banx share a special relationship that will last forever.  It seems so special to me because that's how my cousins, Clint and Caleb, are with me.  We grew up together and once we were out of high-school, we have been closer than ever.  I hope Banx and Beau always stay this close :)

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