Monday, August 31, 2020

Beau and Baine's 1st Day of School

Well, it's finally here---school! It has been a long 5 months since we have been in school. Life has been crazy and so is the world since March when COVID hit and everything shut down. We are so grateful that our school is open and we are able to attend face to face---for now. Beau had a great 1st day of school! Baine had a good start to his day, however, it became eventful at the end of the day. I received a phone call during my 6th period class from the nurse over at the elementary. Baine had been hit in the head (on accident) with a golf club during PE. He was more freaked out by the cut and the blood I think than how it actually hurt. He was also embarrassed I'm sure. So once I rushed over to see him, and Daddy came too, he went home. 
He was a little nervous to go to school the next day, but he's already doing better and not acting scared at all. Way to be tough Baine Joe! I am so thankful and blessed with my tribe of teacher friends at the elementary who send me pictures/updates during the day of the boys. It truly takes a village and I am so grateful for mine! :) Here's to a great 20-21 school year boys!

Beau-3rd Grade, Mrs. Sereg
Baine- Kindergarten, Mrs. Jenkins
Mommy: Year 10 teaching 

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