Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Iowa State Fair 2019

Well, another year at the fair in the books. The past two years have been hard and difficult at the fair for me, but the kids love it and that's all that matters at the end of the day. I am definitely missing out on camping, seeing our friends, and just enjoying the atmosphere the fair has, but life isn't fair and it has been a hard lesson to teach my kids (who are innocent in the whole situation). I'm struggling with not being mad and angry for not being allowed to stay at my mom's camper in the same spot that I camped at for nearly 20 years with her and Dennis. But, it probably wouldn't be the same anyways without my mom there. Trying to remember the old, fun memories to compensate for new memories has been a struggle. I just feel bad for my kids on all they are missing out on. 

Piper was in rare form at the fair that day, and thank goodness my dad and Shari were coming up and offered to help out with her! Her biggest hit of the day, was getting pink cowboy boots. And yes, she wears them everyday now :) The boys loved eating all kinds of food and going down the big slide. Overall, we had a great day with our cousins and walking around. And of course it wouldn't be complete without getting rained on as we rode the ski-lift out :)

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