Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Baine: 3 Years Old

I cannot believe you are 3 today, Baine Joseph. You are our little firecracker. There is never, EVER a dull moment with you. You are so full of energy. You love your big brother, and are loving your new role as Big Brother to Piper. You always ask 'Where my baby at?" (while you hold your hands out ;). You are talking so much better and we can understand you almost all the time now. We are hoping speech therapy and your surgeries helped with that! While you test our patience and can be very ornery, you are still my sweet baby boy. The moments when you ask me to hold your hand as you fall asleep and still ask to be carried, I don't want those days to end. I cherish every second I have with you - yes, even when I am yelling at you ;).

At 3 years old you are:
-attending 2 year old pre-school with Ms. Richelle
-starting to learn your colors and shapes
-favorite color is Pink (daddy does not like this)
-loves Boss Baby
-favorite food: CANDY (especially starburst)
-LOVE your blanky and dragon stuffed animal
-You have been potty trained for months now, and you are now starting to make it through the night with no accidents!!! :)

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