Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Piper Collins: 4 Months

How is it possible Piper is already over 4 months? It can't be! Piper, you are truly the easiest baby I have ever had. Let's be honest, you are probably the easiest baby anyone could ever have! You never fuss, the only time you KIND OF cry, is when you are hungry. You don't even cry when you are wet or dirty (which will probably make potty training hard for you ;). Piper your smile always brightens my day.
Chunky Monkey at her Dr. Appt

1st time getting cereal!

At 4 months, Piper, you are:
-weighing 14 pounds
-Size 2 diapers (we still prefer Pampers)
-Wearing 6 month clothes
-STARTING TO GROW HAIR...YAH!!! It looks blonde right now
-eyes are still hazel. Although some days they look dark brown
-rolling over from back to belly!
-eating 7-8 oz at every feeding every 3 hours or so
-still sleeping 9 hours at night, although you slept 12 hours the other night!
-napping 2-3 times a day
-loves to watch your brothers play and just pound on your are going to have to grow up tough!
-eating cereal! and getting the hang of it
-you are basically done nursing, which makes me sad in every possible way :(
- 88th percentile for height
-82nd percentile for head
-64th percentile for weight
Updates at 4 months!

I always want to remember your cry as a baby, as weird as that may sound :)

Learning to eat cereal!

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