The next day, we went to Magic Kingdom. My dad was AWESOME and flew down to help out with Piper while we took just the boys to this park. We didn't realize Piper was going to be so easy otherwise we wouldn't have asked for the help. But I think Papa enjoyed his one-on-one time with her anyway :)
I always have heard people say Magic Kingdom is their favorite, it's where dreams come true, blah blah blah. What a load of crock! Magic Kingdom was my least favorite park and I hope we never have to go back to it :). It was so congested, busy of course, and just not as amusing as the other parks I felt. But, the things you do for your kids, right?! Beau's big rides at this park were Splash Mountain and Space Mountain. He was not impressed with how dark Space Mountain was :)
I think it was unanimous that our favorite ride was Splash Mountain!

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