Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 It's been quite the gap since posting and reminiscing on here, but for the sake of my kids, I know I need to get back at it. One day, all they will have left of me will be scrapbooks (blogs) and pictures. And I want them to have as much of it as possible. 

2023 and so far for 2024 have been years that I would like to move forward from. It has been a lot of change and hard times, and the kids are growing far too fast. I have reached the point and age where it is finally hitting me that we only get one shot at this thing called life, and I am missing out on so much at times. 

Beau is about to turn 13, and I don't know where time has gone. He is my gentle giant, as he is over 6' now and still growing. He still as the softest personality and voice. I have never heard him yell or scream (with the exception of yelling at his Xbox during a game). He has the BEST group of friends and I couldn't be more proud of him for choosing wisely who he associates with. Beau is quickly started to hate school, which has made the last couple of years hard. He used to be my brainiac who LOVED school. And now, as I see him walk the halls, he doesn't seem excited or motivated to be there. Which kills me as his mother and teacher. I will say, Mrs. Roach was his Godsend last year. She went over and beyond to make him excited to be with her everyday. Every single day he ate lunch with her or went to her room instead of study hall.  We will forever be thankful for Mollie (Mrs. Roach) for that. This year, he is all about sports. Which is typical for a teenager.  I just wasn't prepared for this phase of parenting yet. But here we are. My baby isn't a baby anymore obviously. He is growing up. Bigger than me. Almost as tall as Joe. And loving all things football and basketball related. His dreams right now are going to a Packers game and going to an NBA game to watch the Bucks play. I'm determined to make one of those happen for him!! :)

Baine Joe is still my little sweetheart. He will not go to bed at night unless he is tucked in and we say bedtime prayers---which I love. He LOVES learning. He still very much needs his routine. He needs to stay on a schedule and when that is disrupted, it can ruin his whole day. He is doing better at advocating his needs at school. Loud noises and social settings still bother him. But he is growing so much! He has a hard time understanding why kids don't follow rules and need to "practice" classroom expectations every day. It really does ruin his day. He loves animals, being outside, his tablet, playing with the neighbor boy, football, and his best friends are Willy and Jep. Baine is always wanting to learn about what is going on in politics and around the world. He will have no problem telling you who he is supporting in this Presidential election coming up :) He loves going to TAG for Math and Reading, as those are his favorite classes by far. Spiderman is still his idol and loves to cuddle and watch movies---I hope that phase never ends even though I know at some point it will.

Piper Collins. My mini-me. In every possible way. I catch myself being incredibly hard on her, harder than I am on the boys. And I immediately apologize and stop myself. My mom was so hard on me growing up, and it caused a lot of issues, and I refuse to let that happen for the next generation. Piper is my best helper in the house. At only 7 years old, she cleans non stop for me, vacuums, cleans bathrooms, does laundry, and her room is immaculate every single day! She loves to do everything mommy does: skin care, curled hair, shopping, face masks, bubble baths, and taking pride in looking nice and always smelling good :). Joe gets frustrated at our girly habits, but I love having that bond with her. Piper is our social butterfly. Who loves to play with any kid and has several friends and is always making more. She LOVES school and her teachers. Her favorite things are spending time with mommy and daddy, spending time with her grandparents, playing with Harvey, painting nails, shopping at Target, and doing crafts! 

Harvey is everyone's favorite still. He is a beefy boy who loves to eat, and hates to exercise :) I am still in awe that he survived getting hit by a car and all of his surgeries. Every member in our Pierson 5 absolutely is obsessed with him. We fight over who gets to sleep with him at nights :) Even though we all know he prefers to sleep in between my legs.

Joe is busy with work and transitioning for new exciting opportunities. But with change, comes stress and a lot of work. So he is naturally busy, especially now that it is harvest season. He is so sad camping and boating season is over, and is still pouting about bringing the camper home from Rathbun.

I am in year 14 teaching at OMS. This year has been the best start to a school year I have ever had. I don't know if it's because it is Beau's group of friends, or that I had the bar set so low or what it is, but I have the best students ever. I was dreading this year. I am really missing my friend and principal, Mark. School is not the same without him. And a few of my best teacher friends left, and has me so lonely at school. While all of that has been very hard to deal with, I am learning to enjoy each day with my kids because they are literally the reason why I do what I do. 

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