Friday, July 10, 2020

3 Years Gone

I cannot believe it's been 3 years since I've lost my mom. Some days it feels like it's been decades, and other days it feels like it happened just yesterday. I even have days where I forget having her around, and what it was like having my mom. Those days are honestly the hardest--when I start to forget her or things about her. 

I am doing much better with coping with her loss and moving forward with life. I have to constantly remind myself of how blessed I am to have had a mom and the time I did have with her, when there are so many out there that have far worse family situations or loss than what I have experienced. 

She was an amazing woman. She was a loving wife and loved Dennis with her whole heart. She was a great mom who loved Brook and I unconditionally. She was the best Nana ever who adored her grandchildren. And more importantly, she was a faithful servant of the Lord. I am so thankful for her lessons she was able to teach me in life and experiences to learn from. She left a great impact on those around her, and I know for a fact, by those who loved her, will never forget her. 

I love you Mom. I miss you and will never forget you. 

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