I understand life could be worse, it always can be. I understand I am very blessed and and fortunate. However, sometimes you selfishly think about your own life and your family's lives, and just think to yourself, "What can I/we do to make our life better? Are we living in the right place? Are our kids going to the right school? Do we need a different life plan/goals?" These thoughts are continually overflowing my head. I am trying to deflect these thoughts, and only focus on the positive right now. It has definitely been a challenge. My job this year has been horrible, and it has been a major factor in making me more miserable than I have ever imagined I could be. But, it could always be worse.
A dear friend sent me the picture above, and it resonated so well with me. I know I need to just LET IT GO! :) I know I need to not worry as much, and try to enjoy life for the time we have. So to Beau in Baine in the future years, I apologize for being that mom that hoovers over you, constantly worries about you, and is always riding your case to do well in school and behave. But that is my main job in life. And right now, it is the only job I am wanting to put my full effort and energy into!
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