Joe and I were MUCH better at taking belly photos with this pregnancy than we were before. It has been fun to see the changes and it is so crazy how fast (yet slow at the same time) it has gone! We are officially less than two weeks away from our due date and I am ready! I have lists and instructions made and hanging on the fridge, I have bags packed, nursery is ready, diapers are ready, and as for clothes, I think we will be set either way with Beau's or Banx's clothes----benefits of having Beau and Banx born the same time of the year :). I am SO EXCITED for this baby and I just know Beau is going to be an amazing big brother. Joe and I have a girl's name set in stone that we love, however, I truly think this baby is another boy. And that is where we are struggling, we both have a favorite boy's name, and we can't seem to agree on which one to use. I think we are just going to have to wait and see what he (if baby is a boy) looks like and which name fits him best. Either way, this baby is already loved so much and I am anxiously awaiting his/her arrival and to just cuddle all day and night long :)

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