Beau turned 4 last week, and I just do not know how that is possible. I was just on maternity leave with him it seems like.
Beau, you are the light of my life! Your personality is growing everyday, and I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming. You are SO GOOD at using your manners. You are finally going to bed and staying in bed (no more party time for you!). You absolutely love your baby brother, and you are such a good helper with him.
Lately, your newest thing is telling us "what 4 year olds can do". "Mommy 4 year olds know how to write their name and go to bed". So you are writing your name by yourself, you know how to count past 20, you can recognize all of your primary numbers, you can recognize the letters in your first and last name, you love to dance, you love basketball right now, and you are still obsessed with elephants and now the Avengers.
When you grow up: you want to be a super hero
Favorite color: blue
Favorite sport: basketball (you love to play PIG with Daddy every night before bed)
Favorite book: The Lion King
Favorite Movie: Transformers
Favorite TV Show: Backyardigans
Favorite Song: Uptown Funk
Best Friends: Banx, Bond, Baine, Rhett, Karysn, Grant, Brody, Kinley, Ayden
Favorite toy: Robots or Avenger toys
Favorite stuffed animal: "Baby" your elephant
Beau you are extremely tall, literally off the charts for height, but you are my string bean, Dutch boy :) You love to eat "blue granola bars", which are chocolate chip bars in a blue wrapper. You LOVE to help cook in the kitchen and will only eat supper if you get to help cook. You always look forward to going to Ms Richelle's at school and to learn. I love to watch you play independently and also with your brother. We love you so much Beau Paxton Pierson. You make us so proud!
1 Year Here: where has time gone?! |
Birthday picture at School! |