When Beau was going to the restroom the other night, he started yelling for me to come help him. So when I walked into my bathroom, this is the sight I found. Apparently Beau wanted to "freshen up" with some baby powder. He just had the cheesiest smile on his face when I walked in and was laughing hysterically. Let the messes from boys begin in my house!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Den-Den's Farm Help
Over spring break, I took the boys out to my mom's to watch basketball and so Beau could play. Of course as soon as he saw Den-Den was working outside by driving the semi, Beau wanted to help! He rode along to the grain bin site, "helped" Den-Den, and was extremely proud to tell me how he helped. He told Den-Den that he wanted to climb to the top of the ladder on the grain bin. Of course, Den-Den did not allow this. Then Beau said "that's okay, there is probably monsters in there anyways". Where does he come up with this? :)
Finally Spring Time!
While I was gone for Tara's party, Joe had some friends over and had the kids outside all day. It was the perfect day for it! While Joe relaxed on the deck with Baine, Beau and Emmy played in the yard for SIX hours riding the tractor, gator and playing on the fort. I am so excited for this weather and cannot wait to be outside all summer with the boys :)
Tara's Bachelorette Party
Last weekend was Tara's bachelorette party. We had an amazing time of going to wineries, eating out, and going out for one last "bang". I was so happy to help celebrate her day. I cannot wait for the wedding and could not be happier for her and Clint :)

Baine-Joe Getting So Big
With Baine growing way too fast, he is quickly learning and not acting like my little infant baby anymore :( He is starting to sit up, and is SUCH a good eater. When Joe had him on the floor the other night, he was trying to crawl by pushing his feet off of Joe's arm. He cannot be ready to crawl yet?!
Beau's Quotables: Part 3
Beau: "Ahh mommy that's kind of weird."
Me: "Why is that weird Beau?"
Beau: "Because it's just weird."
Beau: "Mommy is Papa done working yet? I want to go see him."
Me: "No Beau, he is still working."
Beau: "No he's not because he misses me!"
"Watch me do something very dangerous. Only I can do something very dangerous because I'm a boy. Girls can't do dangerous things so Bsnx can't do this."
Every morning when Beau walks into our room, he asks, "mommy did you have a good nap?"
"Mommy I think Baine wants me to sleep with him. He is trying to talk to me."
"My butt is very itchies. Mommy would you itch it for me?" (This happen we he has to go #2) haha
Me: "Why is that weird Beau?"
Beau: "Because it's just weird."
Beau: "Mommy is Papa done working yet? I want to go see him."
Me: "No Beau, he is still working."
Beau: "No he's not because he misses me!"
"Watch me do something very dangerous. Only I can do something very dangerous because I'm a boy. Girls can't do dangerous things so Bsnx can't do this."
Every morning when Beau walks into our room, he asks, "mommy did you have a good nap?"
"Mommy I think Baine wants me to sleep with him. He is trying to talk to me."
"My butt is very itchies. Mommy would you itch it for me?" (This happen we he has to go #2) haha
First (Second) Visit to the Dentist!
Last week, Beau had his second visit to the dentist---the first visit didn't go so well as Beau got scared and we had to leave :(. This time, Beau did so well! He was so brave, never was scared, opened his mouth big, and even brought his stuffed animals with him to help keep him save. I was so proud of Beau! Good job Beau-Beau!

Happy Birthday, Brookie!
Last Friday was Brook's 35th birthday. We started her day off by going to an early lunch with the kids at Smokey Row, and then packing up to head to the lake. It was such a beautiful day at the lake and I am so glad I took the boys down (it was Baine's first time at the lake!). Beau and Banx played outside having a tea party, then played with the neighbor kids. I just love watching the kids play together and interact. It does make me so sad to see how grown up Beau and Banx are already. What happened to "our babies"?! :(
I am so glad Brook had such a relaxing, beautiful birthday weekend. She is a great big sister, and I honestly couldn't think of anyone out there that is a better sister to look up to. She has always been a great role model for me as a mom to look up to, an aunt, and obviously a sister. I love you so much Brookie and I hope this is your best year yet!
I am so glad Brook had such a relaxing, beautiful birthday weekend. She is a great big sister, and I honestly couldn't think of anyone out there that is a better sister to look up to. She has always been a great role model for me as a mom to look up to, an aunt, and obviously a sister. I love you so much Brookie and I hope this is your best year yet!
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A little "throw back Thursday" to Brook and Austin's wedding day in Maui :) |
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Tea party at the lake |
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Nana and my boys ;) |
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Aunt Brookie's Daycare
When I was sick the other weekend, Brook watched my boys for me for a few hours so I could get some rest. Little did I know that Brook had 5 kiddos: Banx, Bond, Beau, Baine and Harlow. I think she might have had her hands full! Beau loves playing with Banx and Harlow when she is back to visit. Thank you so much Brookie :)
Beau's Favorite Song
The other day when I was driving the boys to Mary's, Bruno Mars' song "Up Town" came on. I hear Beau say "Oh mommy this is my favorite song! Me and Nana like this song!" And then Beau proceeds to sing...up town funk you up, up town funk you up. Cutest thing ever!
Baine - 5 Months
Baine is 5 months old---time slow down! Baine, I love watching you grow everyday and am not taking one second for granted that I have with you and Beau.
At 5 months old you are:
-rolling over from back to front/front to back
-still sleeping 10-12 hours at night (with a little help from a dream feed)
-weighs about 17 pounds
-wearing 6/9 month clothing
-smile all of the time
-has found feet now
-loving baby food (bananas, sweet potato and squash are you favorites right now)
-love being in your activity center
-still prefers breast milk over formula

-rolling over from back to front/front to back
-still sleeping 10-12 hours at night (with a little help from a dream feed)
-weighs about 17 pounds
-wearing 6/9 month clothing
-smile all of the time
-has found feet now
-loving baby food (bananas, sweet potato and squash are you favorites right now)
-love being in your activity center
-still prefers breast milk over formula
Baine rolled over from back to front for the first time at my mom's the other day. Of course, as soon as I tried to get it on video, he didn't want to do it anymore :) I'll get it one of these days!
Banx loves you so much Baine. She is definitely the "mother hen" to you :)
Your big brother might just love you almost as much as mommy and daddy love you! He is always playing with you and trying to be a big helper for you.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Finally Warm Weather
With the weather finally getting nice out, we have been outside as much as possible. Beau is very excited to be riding his tractor and gator now, and swinging on his fort! We even were able to go feed the ducks at the pond this week. Come on spring!

A Little Help From My Friends
Since Joe was out of town last weekend and I was feeling as if I were on my death bed, I obviously needed help with the boys. Michelle was able to watch the boys for a little bit in the morning while Dena took me to Urgent Care in Pella (mom and dad you are both are not allowed to be out of town at the same time ever again!). When I woke up from napping, I heard the sweetest sound coming from out my bedroom window. Our babysitter, Aubrey, had come over to help out and had both boys outside playing and LAUGHING. It was the best sound to wake up to. Beau, and now Baine, adore Aubrey and she is so good with them. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
After letting Aubrey go home that night, I thought I could handle the boys with their bedtime routine. My fever spiked to 103 again and I was completely worthless. With one quick text, Dena was right at my house to help me. I can't think of many people who would leave a fun, party and their date for the night to come help a friend and her two little boys on a Saturday night. But Dena Kay definitely would, and she did. Dena, you amaze me everyday (sometimes surprise me) with the things you do. I love you for who you are and I could not imagine my past 26 years without you. :)
After letting Aubrey go home that night, I thought I could handle the boys with their bedtime routine. My fever spiked to 103 again and I was completely worthless. With one quick text, Dena was right at my house to help me. I can't think of many people who would leave a fun, party and their date for the night to come help a friend and her two little boys on a Saturday night. But Dena Kay definitely would, and she did. Dena, you amaze me everyday (sometimes surprise me) with the things you do. I love you for who you are and I could not imagine my past 26 years without you. :)
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Two weeks ago was Joe's birthday. Last year in your 20's hunny! :) I hope you make this year count!
We had planned on celebrating Joe's birthday that night before he left for Clint's bachelor party for the weekend. However, I came down with strep throat and was in no shape to be celebrating anything. Even though it wasn't a normal birthday celebration in our household, I hope you had a great day love and we will make next year even better!
We had planned on celebrating Joe's birthday that night before he left for Clint's bachelor party for the weekend. However, I came down with strep throat and was in no shape to be celebrating anything. Even though it wasn't a normal birthday celebration in our household, I hope you had a great day love and we will make next year even better!
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Joe had a little sleeping buddy for his birthday night and this is how I found them the next morning. Two of a kind?? :) |
Friday, March 6, 2015
Beau Paxton = Mommy's Sweetheart
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New favorite elephant shirt from She-She |
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Playing trains in his lego tub |
Beau is growing up so much. Even though he is only 3, he acts like a teenager at times! Yes he can be ornery, but he is also my little sweetheart. He is never afraid to kiss me, tell me he loves me, and always starts his morning off by asking "mommy did you sleep good?". He has stolen my heart, along with Baine, and definitely has me wrapped around his little finger.
I haven't been feeling well lately, so this morning Beau got in bed with me and just started rubbing my arm and said "I'll make you feel better mommy". What a little cutie :) I am truly blessed to have these THREE amazing Pierson men in my life. I don't know what I would do without Joe, he is my rock and stability in life. And now that we have our two sons, I could not be happier right now. Joe and I have definitely been lucky with having such healthy, easy babies.
That Time Again
It's that time again where the Baby Bullet is back out and it's time to make homemade baby food! My sister gave me this as a baby gift for Beau, and it has been one of the best baby gifts ever :) It is so simple and easy to make food for my babies, and not to mention it is so much better for them. We started Baine on baby food last week! Dr. Posthuma said Baine seemed advanced for his age and was ready for solid foods. Since Beau loved sweet potatoes so much, that's what we decided to start with for Baine as well. And like we expected, he loved it! On his first day eating solids, he at the whole jar! I definitely think it's safe to say Baine is my little beef-cake :). I can only imagine what my grocery bills will be in a few years!
Two of a Kind

Beau is completely in love with his baby brother. I love to see Beau and Baine interact. Even though Baine is just 4 months old, he already shows his love for Beau. He is always watching Beau and give him the biggest smiles ever. I hope they love each other this much forever :)
Weekend with Papa and She-She
It is no secret that my dad loves having his grandkids over. Beau is always asking if he can go to Papa and She-She's house. You know you have amazing parents when they ASK if they can have your kids over. My dad and Shari are so good to my boys, as they are to Banx and Bond too. It is so amazing to see the interaction and love they all have for one another.
Since my dad and Shari were leaving for Aruba this week, they asked if they could have the boys last weekend----sure dad you twisted my arm into it ;). I am always "chopped liver" when it comes to Beau picking between me or Papa/She-She. Dad and Shari took Beau to Ottumwa while they did last minute shopping for their trip. Normally, Beau gets very restless and anxious when we shop. But not for Papa! He was as good as gold and had a blast at the mall riding Thomas the Train. Thank you so much Papa and She-She for being so good to my boys :)

Since my dad and Shari were leaving for Aruba this week, they asked if they could have the boys last weekend----sure dad you twisted my arm into it ;). I am always "chopped liver" when it comes to Beau picking between me or Papa/She-She. Dad and Shari took Beau to Ottumwa while they did last minute shopping for their trip. Normally, Beau gets very restless and anxious when we shop. But not for Papa! He was as good as gold and had a blast at the mall riding Thomas the Train. Thank you so much Papa and She-She for being so good to my boys :)

Day With Grandma Chelle
Michelle helped out with the boys while Mary was gone and spent last Friday with them. Beau always knows what he wants to do at Grandma Chell's---drink Cranberry juice, and watch a movie on the BIG BIG tv as Beau would say :). Baine was a giggler all morning and when Michelle sent me a picture of Baine, he looked IDENTICAL to Joe.
Week With Nana
Mary was gone all last week on vacation, so that meant the boys were with Nana all week. Nana definitely had her hands full with all four grandkids. She did crafts with Beau and Banx like making puppets, baked cupcakes, and played with play dough. Thank you so much Nana for being willing to watch our babies!
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Waiting on "clean, fresh popcorn" at Nana's |
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