I was surprise that neither of the boys cried this year when we saw Santa (at Mahaska Drug and at Church). Beau did great! And Baine just wanted to pull on Santa's beard :) Sorry Santa!
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
My Boys
Beau and Baine are so fun right now. They love to play with each other, they fight, they cuddle, they wrestle, they chase each other around the house, and they HAVE to sleep together or they will not go to sleep. Please don't let time go by any faster.
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Just his normal attire :) |
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Working on his truck :) |
2015 Christmas Program at Church
I am happy to say that this year's church Christmas program went well! Beau didn't trip Banx, and Banx didn't cry up on the stage :) SUCCESS! Beau was a pirate for his character, and boy did he get into it. He kept telling me his hat was itchy, but when it was time for him to sing in front, he made sure to put his eye patch and hat back on. He was too cute :)

The other weekend, we had Banx and Bond over to stay the night. Joe and I LOVE having the kids over. Having a house full of kids who are running around, chasing each other, fighting, and then cuddling while watching a movie, is exactly what I want in my house always. That is also one of the reasons Joe and I want such a big family :). The four cousins are each others best friends right now. I truly hope this never changes. Even being an adult now, my cousins are still my best friends and I also want to hang out with them over my other friends. Family is where it's at! :)
Banx's Dance Recital
Banx had her Christmas Dance Recital the other weekend, and she did such a great job. I was so proud of her for being brave, and dancing on stage in front of a large crowd. I think she likes the spotlight ;) Beau loved to watch the dances, and even started showing off his own moves too :) I think he gets his moves from his Daddy!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Goofy Baine
Baine has had a couple of new, odd tricks lately. One, he puts his head on the ground and pretends to do a hand-stand. He just laughs and laughs while doing it! Second, he LOVES to talk to you when taking a bath or getting ready in the bathroom. When he "talks", he just grunts at you and starts bringing you any toy he can find. It's almost like he wants to entertain you while you are getting ready :) He decided to eat popcorn on the bathtub the other night while I was bathing. Quite the goofball!
Iowa Game
Saturday Joe and I went to the Elks to watch the Iowa game. Even though we ended up losing, we had a great time with our friends and doing a little tailgating :) Cheers to the Hawks making it to the Rose Bowl this year!!!
My Mini-Me
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Doing Planks :) |
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Taking a break with the iPad |
Thanksgiving 2015
This year's Thanksgiving was very busy, especially with having one of the Thanksgivings at our house--which we love hosting by the way! :) The Converse Thanksgiving was entertaining as usual, with all of the cousins together playing cards or just picking on each other, we had a great time. Thanksgiving with Michelle's side of the family was so laid back and relaxing. The weather was perfect and the kids were even to play outside for part of the day!
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Nana's Boy :) |
Baine is Walking
I am VERY behind on this, but Baine is a walker now! And he is definitely into everything. Over the past few weeks he has been walking, and slowing turning into running :) We have no moments of peace or relaxation anymore in our house!
Monday, December 7, 2015
Snuggles With My Boys
Beau and Baine, especially Beau, are in a cuddle stage right now. Baine only likes to cuddle if he has his favorite anchor blanket :). Beau sat on my lap while we watched ELF, and it was the best feeling. I love these moments with the boys and I just want time to slow down!
First Snow of Winter
A couple of weeks ago we had our first snow for winter. Beau was so excited! He loves to be outside, and definitely doesn't mind the cold (he does NOT get that from me!) Beau and I played outside all weekend having snowball fights, making snow angels, and attempting to make a snowman.

Baine's 1st Hair Cut
It was indeed that time that Baine needed a haircut. He did great for it :) It just shows me that he is most certainly still my "baby" because in order to cut his hair, I held him in my arms and rocked him gently while he drank a bottle so Amy could cut his hair. He kept touching his head after his haircut. It was almost like he was asking "Hey, where did all of my hair go?!"
Sunday, November 15, 2015
OMS Fun Night
Last week we had Fun Night at school. Beau loves coming to these so he can play games and dance with all of the "big kids". Beau and Mia were joined at the hip that night and even followed one of my students around all night :) I love seeing Beau interact at school. It makes me anxious to see him walk the halls in just a few years---it will be here before I know it! :(
Papa and She-She's Helpers
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I LOVE this picture :) |
Beau and Baine were big helpers at Papa and She-She's. Beau brought this tools to help Papa remodel the master bedroom, and even helped She-She make homemade pizza. Baine wanted in on the action, but clearly is too young yet :)
Mommy/Sons Smokey Row Date Nights
I had started a tradition with Beau a few years ago to always go to Smokey Row on Friday's after school. After having Baine we got a little busy. So we made sure to start it up again this year, and I LOVE taking both boys :) Beau always runs in to pick out his favorite ice-cream, and even "asks" Baine if he likes the flavor. They actually are so well behaved and I love this date time with them. Beau even knows to open the door for ladies and use proper manners now :)
Caged Monkey at Halloween
This year for Halloween was a little chaotic. Baine goes to bed at 6pm, so he was not able to go Trick or Treating. I stayed home with Baine, and Joe took Beau around town :) I guess Daddy forgot to take pictures ;)
I did bring Baine for a few minutes to the Halloween party at church a few weeks ago. Baine was a monkey this year, and we found it fitting to put him in Banx and Bond's cage for their circus theme :)
I did bring Baine for a few minutes to the Halloween party at church a few weeks ago. Baine was a monkey this year, and we found it fitting to put him in Banx and Bond's cage for their circus theme :)
Beau's Pre School Field Trips
Beau absolutely loves school. He is always excited to go to Ms. Richelle's and learn from her. He knows how to spell his name, can write his name, can write most letters in the alphabet and recognize them, and is even able to color inside the lines now. Ms. Richelle has been phenomenal with him, and I am so grateful. This year they have gone on a field trip to the First Station, and to Autumn Acres. They even had a Halloween party at school :)
New "Old" Toy
Grandpa Scott fixed up one of Joe's old toys for Beau, and Beau has not stopped talking about it! He was so excited to go to Grandma and Grandpa's the other day to play with it :) Next Baine will be trying to ride on it!
No Words
There are no words to describe the moods of the children in this picture ;) I found it today, and had to make sure I saved it! :)
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