Friday I had to take our Tahoe to Des Moines to get serviced, so that meant Joe, Beau and Baine were going to be alone for the first time together. Joe never complained about being overwhelmed with the two boys and even took them both out for breakfast with Alex, and then to the grocery store! Brave Daddy! :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Christmas 2014
This Christmas was very special to Joe and I now that we are a family of four. We have been extremely blessed by God with two great boys who are healthy and so easy to take care of. Beau loved opening his presents this year, and of course opening his brother's presents as well. I couldn't have asked for a better gift this year than having Baine just in time for Christmas :)
Before opening presents Christmas morning, Beau wanted to cuddle with Baine in our bed and even ASKED to feed him. Such a good big brother :) I hope he stays this sweet and helpful with Baine forever ;)
Before opening presents Christmas morning, Beau wanted to cuddle with Baine in our bed and even ASKED to feed him. Such a good big brother :) I hope he stays this sweet and helpful with Baine forever ;)
Christmas at Papa and She-She's
Beau and Banx are honestly like two peas in a pod. They can fight non-stop, but at the end of the day, they love each other so much and still want to be with one another. They both did so good at Christmas this year playing together and sharing each other's new toys. They just sat in chairs and watched Beau's new train go around and around on the track. I've never seen them sit this still ;)
My little "Baine-Joe" was all smiles at Christmas and "talking" to me. He is changing so much everyday, I just cannot tell who he looks like anymore!
After She-She got the big kids bathed and in PJ's, my dad and Shari offered to keep all four kids overnight so Brook, Austin, Joe and I could go out. Joe and I had a friend's engagement party to attend, and it was so nice to get out for a bit. It was even my first night away from Baine, and I didn't do too bad :). First thing the next morning, Joe and I were both up early and ready to get our babies back :) THANK YOU Dad an Shari for taking such good care of our boys!!!!!
Christmas at Grandma Chelle and Grandpa Scott's
Beau wanted to play cards with us...except he wanted Grandpa Scott to build something with the cards instead of playing the game :)
Beau loves his floor piano, he just kept running back and forth on it! Since it was so nice outside, Beau decided to help Uncle Josh fly his new toy and help monitor the flying. Beau is definitely anxious to be able to play with the "big kids".
After playing so hard, and having a minor incident with the treadmill, Beau was worn out by 7:30 and fast asleep on the couch. Even Butters and Macee felt the need to lay with him to make his hand feel better.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Christmas at Nana and Den-Den's
After having Christmas at Nana's, we all went to the 11:00 Christmas service at church. It is so peaceful when everyone is singing while holding their candle in the dark. To see Beau partake in this event made me tear up. He is getting so big and is starting to understand the true meaning behind it all. While he is still too young to understand that Christmas is not about gifts, but celebrating Jesus' birthday, I hope by next year he will have a better understanding of that.
This was the year that Beau (Baine) got their gator for Christmas. I think Beau was in shock a little that it was actually his because he kept insisting that he share with Banx. Maybe he is just being really good with his manners?? :)Monday, December 22, 2014
Trains, trains, trains
It is no secret that Beau absolutely loves trains. He has so many trains and different sets, I think they could go all the way around out house :) But he insists that he wants more for Christmas...especially Chuggington trains! I am quite impressed that Beau is able to put the tracks together all by himself.
Growing Boy!

Getting so big at only 2 months old! Completely alert, loves to stick his tongue out at you, and smiles al of the time---especially for his mommy :)
Converse Christmas
Yesterday we had our first Christmas of the year with the Converse side. It is always such a great time getting together with everyone. While the ladies stayed upstairs and chatted, the men hit the card table, as usual :). Beau and Banx did have fun with some of Nana's new toys including the drum set and the Sumo wrestler gear. I am sure she will love having those toys stay at her house ;)
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Being ornery with the sumo pillows by building a tower on the treadmill |
I want to make sure to catch as much of Baine's new expressions as I can on video. He was so alert during Christmas I just couldn't help but video him throughout the night :)
Beau's First Time Bowling

We took Beau bowling with Caleb (Bebub) Saturday night. Since we were gone from him Friday night having our Christmas party, we wanted to make a night all about Beau--and that's what we did! We took him out to eat in Pella, then went bowling. He kept saying "Mommy, daddy I'm so excited!" This made it completely worth it. Beau did great bowling for the first 15 minutes, and then his attention span started to fade and it ended with him running across all of the bowling lanes and touching the line to NOT CROSS in each lane. :)

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party 2014
Two of a Kind
People have been asking if the boys look alike or think they look nothing alike. Yes, as far as Beau has the blue eyes/blonde hair and Baine is darker, they look different in that aspect. But as far as other features, they look so much alike from baby pictures! Here is a picture comparison of the boys when they are both at 7 weeks. Beau is top, and Baine is bottom. But Baine is changing so much everyday, who knows what will happen :) One thing is for sure, Beau is LOVING being a big brother and is extremely protective of Baine. Whenever Beau leaves for school or Mary's, he says "Mommy, please make sure to take care of my brother today. Feed him when he gets hungry." I hope he always stays this fond of Baine ;)
Baine is 2 Months!
I honestly cannot believe that Baine is 2 months old now. Joe and I were just saying that it seemed like last week we were taking the boys trick or treating, and now it's just a few days before Christmas! Where has time gone?!
Baine hasn't been feeling very well the past week, so his weight is not what it was (over 13 pounds!). But at his dr. appt, he weighed 12 pounds 11 oz and was 24 1/4 inches long. He is growing so fast.
**LOVES tummy time
**Eats about 6 oz at every feeding
**Sleeps about 10 hours at night
**Loves to be held and cuddled (I have probably spoiled him over the past couple of months by being home with him every day)
**His eyes seem to be turning brown, however there are days where they seem blue
**His hair is growing in FAST and it is dark!
**Able to sit up in his Bumbo seat now!
**Has so much love from his big brother :)
Baine hasn't been feeling very well the past week, so his weight is not what it was (over 13 pounds!). But at his dr. appt, he weighed 12 pounds 11 oz and was 24 1/4 inches long. He is growing so fast.
**LOVES tummy time
**Eats about 6 oz at every feeding
**Sleeps about 10 hours at night
**Loves to be held and cuddled (I have probably spoiled him over the past couple of months by being home with him every day)
**His eyes seem to be turning brown, however there are days where they seem blue
**His hair is growing in FAST and it is dark!
**Able to sit up in his Bumbo seat now!
**Has so much love from his big brother :)
Monday, December 15, 2014
Church Christmas Program 2014
Beau was old enough this year to participate in our chuch's Christmas program: We're Cookin' Up Christmas. He had been practicing his songs and even had a few of them memorized. However, I think with the early arrival time to practice, made for a long morning which caused Beau to be a little ornery to say the least :). Overall, Beau and Banx did such a great job and I am so proud of them!

Beau's attention span started to ware off as you can see... :)
Since Joe was in Kansas City with Austin and Caleb for the Chief's game, I tried getting as much as I could on video for him, but I don't think the videos or pictures do justice of just how funny these two were getting on each other's nerves. Just like Brook says, they love each other like brother and sister, and they fight with each other like brother and sister.

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I love this picture. Baine is looking at Tara with nothing but pure love! |
This video above explains Beau's orneriness....
Happy Baby Baine
One thing is for sure, Baine is such a happy baby! He smiles all of the time now and it is the best sight in the world.

He loves to stick his tongue out when he gives us that "Pierson" smirk :)
Santa-Round 2
Wednesday night at church, Santa came to visit. I really thought that Beau wouldn't be afraid this time since Banx was there, Nana and I had Baine with me. However, I was clearly wrong. Beau kept saying "I'm very sad. I don't want to sit on Santa's lap." The ONLY way he would stand by Santa, is if I went up with him. I guess not a lot is changing :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Beau Paxton = High Maitenance
Last week Dena came over to watch football and spend time with us. As usual, her amazing massaging skills came out. Except instead of the postpartum lady getting a neck/back massage, Beau decided he needed one! He said "Dena rub my back please. Now my head, and then my tummy because it hurts very much." Oh dear, where did our little baby go!? :)
Our Little Baine-Joe
Baine is definitely growing like a weed! He is such a good baby, just like his big brother was. Baine is smiling ALL OF THE TIME now, and I love catching each smile I can. This is making me dread going back to work, I don't want to miss any of these moments with him. He loves to be cuddled and wrapped in fuzzy blankets...I think he gets that from his mama :). He had the flu on Sunday and Monday, so when we weighed him at the doctor, he weighed 12 pounds! He is definitely our "beef-cake" :).
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Not a Fan of Santa
I took Beau to see Santa again this year, except this time, he was not a fan at all. I kept telling him "You need to go tell Santa what you want for Christmas." Beau just looked at me with his baby blues and said, "Well, you can just tell him for me mommy." So we agreed that I would go tell Santa with him. He was, however, a big fan of surprise there. He then asked if we were going to go see Mickey's castle and boat. Not this year buddy, but someday we will!
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