This year we celebrated Father's Day for Joe with a BANG! Friday, we spent the day at the lake with Scott and Michelle, and it was a perfect day for boating! Beau also found a new love....wave runners! He kept asking me if he could have the "little green boat". As I am looking around the dock, there are no green boats so I had no idea what he was talking about. Beau went and showed me what he wanted, and it was a green wave runner. He's going to have to wait awhile before he can have one :)

Saturday morning we took off for Des Moines with Brook and Austin. My mom had found us AMAZING tickets for "We Will Rock You" at the Civic Center. Joe loves that kind of music, so this play was just his taste! We all had a great time in Des Moines together at the play, then eating Oysters at Splash, then dining for an amazing course of Sushi! We ended the night by heading back to the campground (Brook and Austin borrowed Tim and Kim's RV for us to stay in overnight). Grant and Alexa stopped by to visit for awhile, then Brook and Joe ended the night by having a dance off to "Tricky". Needless to say, this pregnant lady did not make it as late as the other night owls. I was not surprised to hear the next morning that the park ranger knew Joe and Austin by name by the end of the night...honestly, can they ever behave?! :)

Sunday was a nice, relaxing day for Joe---I hope! While him and Beau took a nap, I mowed, worked on Master's homework and cleaned house. Then we went to Tim and Kim's for a wonderful Father's Day Dinner and had my dad and Shari there too. Beau and Banx stayed entertained by having a water gun fight :)...great idea Aunt Brookie! Before we called it a day, we headed to Scott and Michelle's. Beau was sure to tell everyone that his Grandma Chelle had a movie for him at her house. He just always assumes his Chelle will watch a movie with him...can you say spoiled?! :)
I hope Joe, my dad and Scott all had a wonderful Father's Day. I can't believe next year Joe will be a father of two! I cannot wait for this little peanut to arrive :)