I cannot believe that Beau is 18 months old now. It truly seems like yesterday I was in the hospital with my newborn. Parents always say that it goes by fast, and you never understand the reality of that until you have a child of your own. Everyday Beau is learning something new. He is really starting to get ornery and LOVES playing with other children. He keeps saying "baby" all of the time---I think this is his hint for Joe and me :). Here are a few things Beau has been doing lately....
-He weighs 27 pounds and is 35 1/2 inches tall (off the charts for height!)
-He can say these words on his own: Macee, mama, dada, nana, Mickey, blankie, binky, Barey (Barney), egg, pease (please), tan you(thank you), baby
-There are many more words he can repeat after you say them to him, and of course some of his talk still sounds foreign :)
-Beau is such a boy, and by that I mean he LOVES being outside and riding in any type of motor vehicle (tractor, lawnmower, four-wheeler, etc.)
-If you say "Beau, jump!" he will get a huge grin on his face and jump as high as he can!
-He is running all over the house!
-He loves to say "Cheeee" when getting his picture taken
Here are a few recent 18 month old pictures...
Being a ham at Tanya's baby shower |
"Mom, I gotta text Banx before my appt) |
Cheese! |
Playing in the tractor |