My, oh my, how time has gone. When parents tell you "Enjoy every minute, because it will fly by," they really aren't kidding. I cannot believe it has already been a year since Beau was born. Joe and I have been so blessed to have such a healthy, happy boy. I honestly can't imagine life without Beau. He has been the best thing to ever happen to us. We love you so much Beau! Happy birthday, baby!

Beau clearly had to become a Packers fan--so Grandma Michelle got him his very own Clay Matthews jersey :)

LOVES to push his car around!
Thank you Uncle Josh for the awesome "Happy Birthday" display of balloons!

So loved!
Beau and his "aunt" Dena share the same birthday!
Getting excited to eat his cake!

"Aunt" Ashie even came home for his big day!
Cousin Banx dressed for the sailor theme :)

Aunt Joi loves to spoil little Beau-man!
Time to open gifts! He wasn't too excited about tearing the paper, but he was definitely excited to play with the gifts!

I'm glad you have good taste like mommy and you keep a hold of that box---we love Von Maur!!!

Beau LOVED his wall of wheels!!!
Taking his gator for a ride around the room
Beau and all (except for Gina, Alex and Houston) his "aunts/uncles". These are the people that will show up at Beau's first football game :)

LOVED riding the gator down the sidewalk even though it made mommy extremely nervous!

Oh Puntin, where are your clothes?! :)
No drinking and driving Miss Banx!
So excited to dig into that cake!
Kept clapping when we were singing to him :)
Happy Birthday, Beau! We love you so much!